Sunday, 8 July 2012

014. Do not make simple domestic disagreements lucrative court litigation.

Do not make simple domestic disagreements lucrative court litigation.

News: Housewives' pay: Court throws ball in government's court. Discretionary power to grant monthly allowance to housewives is part of the state government's freedom in framing policies, the Kerala high court has ruled.
TNN | May 23, 2012, 05.33AM IST.

Payment to housewives from the husband for the jobs she is doing in the house to run the family is unethical. If it had been actually needed and could have been made possible without affecting the integrity of the society, mankind would have instigated it in the far distant past itself. Do not anyone think that 20000 generations in the past did not ever think about this and that those who think about this now are the first in this planet to tell this. Human society developed, based on the division of labour. Hunting was the job of the males and agriculture, animal husbandry and house administration were the responsibility of the women. The first was the kind of work in which people most often died and that was why it was the job of the males, because if the woman could be saved, mankind would continue. That was their logic. History tells us that the works assigned to the women were comparatively light and less risky. The males did protect their women. Many ignorant people, including our new generation law makers and a few parliamentarians, think that women were never allowed to rule society. They never have read any history, not even the history of the evolution of law. For thousands and thousands of years, it was the rule of the mother in the world which we call matriarchy. Patriarchy was just brief and intermittent and only during the times of major crises. It is because of this kind of tender caring that the world’s women did not grow up mostly as Amazons. The man-woman bond is sacred and divine and it is perhaps the only thing human, which cannot be measured in terms of coins. They do not serve each other but supplement each other. By monetizing women’s works in the house, family and society, our illiterate law makers are laying axe to the very roots of human society. The advocates just would think about it as a great new source of lucrative litigation. Just like simple domestic disagreements are now made into psychiatric hospitalizations, greedy lawyers, lazy woman liberators and wicked politicians are going to turn sacred household relations into fierce courtroom battles. If there is at least one sane person in government, this shall not be allowed. Uttar Pradesh and Goa are bad examples. We have before us the condemned example of women bus travellers after a half-baked litigation without proper medical support of decades. When bus accidents occur, men decided to die and save their women and children by seating them on the back seats so that the family may survive. In direct collisions, the impact of glass and steel would be fatal most on the men who sit in the front seats. This arrangement also prevented drivers from getting their attention diverted. Then one day some pig brained woman litigator discovered that the womb of the women bus travellers is getting shaken with the jolting of the buses. With lightning speed judiciary interfered and we all know what happened next. Proven stamina of women to travel standing was not even considered.

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