Are Our Women And Children Safe In Our Hospitals?
Doctors like to think that they have immunity against crimes they commit on human lives caused by their ignorance, negligence and dereliction. This true story from India illustrates how unsafe the lives of our women and children are in our hospitals and how incapable and submissive are governments towards crimes by the blue-collared in India.
World people's money squandered on opulence and luxuries.
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Human newborn: will the world allow to live? |
World Health Organization extends assistance of millions of dollars of world people’s money each year to developing countries and under developed countries, but lets go unpardonable crimes committed with the opulence and lavishness of this world money. It is time the death of thousands of Indian Mothers in simple PPS operations be investigated by international agencies. The sad and heart-rending pictures from other Asian countries also are not different. It is true diseases attack us when we are left with no money in our pockets, but that is when jackals and hyenas in gowns demand us money for treating us in hospitals. The famous free system of Indian hospitals is crushed down inch by inch by the rulers of India to please the greedy new generation body mechanics.
25000 Rupees for carrying an operating knife buried in the abdomen for 20 years.
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Mother's love vast, deep and limitless as the brine. |
News reports from Tamil Nadu in India say that the State Human Rights Commission there ordered government to pay compensation of 25000 rupees to Coimbatore VeeraKeralam Thentral Nagar-native Mohanraj’s wife Nandini. In 1989 she gave birth to a child in the Coimbatore government hospital after which underwent a Post Partum Surgery. Following this simple surgery which is done for birth control, she began to experience severe pain in her lower abdomen and sought treatment in a number of hospitals. After consuming a load of pain killers through the years, she was advised by Dr. Nandakumar of Coimbatore to scan her abdomen which she did. Presence of an operating knife in her lower abdomen was detected in the scan. The doctors of Coimbatore government hospital after a caesarian operation had closed her abdomen leaving an operating knife negligently there. The State Human Rights Commission registered a case based on a 2008 newspaper report, after 20 years of the incident. Even though 25000 Indian rupees, i.e. nearly 5000 dollars for carrying an operating knife for 20 years in one’s lower abdomen buried there by the insolent negligence of a surgeon is a paltry sum, the goodwill of the Human Rights Commission of Tamil Nadu to order payment of compensation as token of admittance of a state crime against a woman of India is applaudable though a very rare verdict.
Murder of thousands of mothers in simple PPS operations by negligent psychopaths.
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Maternal affection immortalized in marble. |
It is primary responsibility of attending surgeons to count the number of articles going in and taken out. It is they who have to ensure that whatever has gone in have also taken out. Do not anyone even think that the health services are a wild jungle. Everything is protocolled in advance. If something is left behind, it is someone’s responsibility. If death results as a consequence, it is plain murder. The Indian Law is such clear and plain, unless confused by authorities who wish to save the asses of their darlings. If government does not take action, the government is accessory to the crime. The Constitution of India does not offer immunity to doctors against crimes resulting from their ignorance or negligence. The question is, whether the government has allowed the culprits to continue in their posts as surgeons and if already retired, whether the government would be willing and prepared to prosecute them and cut their pensions. Is the responsibility of government simply to pay compensations for the misdeeds and the mistakes made by surgeons or to arrest and prosecute them for their crimes? The above case is one of nearly a million in Tamil Nadu. During the 1980s there was a feverish rush of PPS operations going on in almost all states of India, following the central government’s offering of handsome incentives to doctors, as part of national birth control activities. Hundred thousands of PPS operations were done then by incompetent doctors everywhere, not less than ten percent of them resulting in casualties such as those discussed above. Kerala was the number one state with the highest number of PPS operations done. Awards were given, merit certificates issued and money transferred. Kerala is considered perhaps the state with the highest rate of literacy in India but the following incident would reveal that this higher literacy rate of any state in India does not make the killing of women and children in hospitals by ignorant, negligent and psychopathic doctors impossible to happen or punishable by practice in India.
One time bribe for male; each visit bribe for lady.
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Not at all a burden. |
In 1984, a young lady named Shanta from Kurupuzha Village in Trivandrum District was admitted in the Nedumangadu Taluk Headquarters Hospital for delivery. She had no relatives except husband serving in the Middle East and a very old grandfather who stayed with her. The two gynecologists, one male and the other female who worked in that hospital at that time had only one difference between them. The male got satisfied with a one-time bribe. The lady insisted on bribe each day she visited a patient. It will look and feel like we are in the Barbarian Ages as regard to hospitals in Kerala whether the state is ruled by the Congress or the Communists. The old man who accompanied her did not know anything about how to give bribes to doctors. So when the day of delivery arrived she gave birth to a healthy boy child in an inevitable and indispensable caesarian operation. Following a PPS operation also, she was returned to her home. The very next day the patient was rushed back to the hospital following fits, which was unusual after ordinary, common and simple PPS operations. So the patient with her nascent child was referred to the Sree Avittam Tirunal Hospital for Women & Children in the capital city of Trivandrum.
Blood-stained cotton mop discovered inside Peritonis membrane in the abdomen.
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Mother posed and the child didn't. |
The patient lying on bed in the SAT Hospital would rise up and fall onto the floor as if picked up and thrown down there by some unknown hands. Even the skilled doctors in that prestigious institution could not diagnose the true cause of this symptom. Because she could not breast-feed her child, he died after 3 months. She lay there in the hospital for nine more months, after which she too succumbed to death. In normal cases hospital deaths won’t be subjected to post mortem examinations. But this being a unique case which had brain-teased the skilled doctors there for months, they decided to post-mortem operate and study it as a unique case. A months-old, blood-stained cotton mop was discovered from inside the Peritonis membrane of the abdomen. Human body’s involuntary effort and strain to oust this foreign body out was what was causing those fits. Think about the compensation that will have to be paid, in European standards. Even in the Asian standards, it will not come lower than Five hundred thousand rupees for two deaths with a single life. Had those doctors who did PPS confessed earlier or had even expressed a doubt from the beginning as to any mistake that might have happened on their part, the patient would have been examined on the very first day for any mistakes, ignorance or negligence on the part of the surgeons, the cotton mop would have been detected and removed, and the patient and her child would have gone to their home alive and would have been living today. Loss of two precious human lives to the greed and negligence of two insolent incompetent doctors! The two culprits had depended on the sure chance of a hospital death not being post-mortem examined. The SAT Hospital recorded Peritonitis as the cause of death in their Post Mortem Report.
Are governments to pay compensation for doctors’ follies with people’s money?
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Mother and child face to face. |
Every Peritonitis death will have a responsible person behind it. Memo of charges were issued, explanations received and accepted and the file closed. Media withdrew from pursuing the case. Complaints made by the relatives and natives of the deceased came to nothing. Government declined to interfere for fear of thousands and thousands of such PPS deaths and blunders coming to daylight and being investigated and prosecuted, resulting in payment of huge amounts as compensations. People normally fear to make complaints against doctors, as all know that doctors are closely associated with police officers in witnessing and evidencing medico-legal cases in judicial courts and in issuance of wound certificates and post-mortem certificates. So people are reluctant to pursue complaints against doctors as a general rule. Doctors are licensed to practice till the end of their days where as IAS, IPS, IFS and IRS officers in India have to retire at an age. People’s representatives and legislators also know that they someday will lose their power and authority and will become sick. That is why in India doctors are not answerable to anyone for their crimes. Will anyone believe that the culprit in this crime eventually became director for the entire health service activities in the state?
Toppling a world famous health infra structure by fake doctors.
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Solacing each other, the eternal duo. |
Justice M.P.Menon Commission that enquired into the fake university mark list cases in Kerala concluded their report by commenting that they had the opportunity to expose only a few of the fake doctors in Kerala and that thousands of them were continuing in the health services department as doctors, unquestioned and unexamined by anybody. The Commission expected that government will pursue what action the Honorable Commission could not undertake with their limited time and resources. Why government did not take any continued action was due to the majority of them being sons and daughters of those higher officials, business men and industrial houses who run the state. The argument then had been that exposing and dismissing thousands of such doctors from health service would topple the health infrastructure in the state which was then being held in high esteem by even the W.H.O., but later developments in the state and Kerala’s later falling a prey to indefensible serial fevers which claimed thousands of lives and incapacitated tens of thousands more, proved that health infrastructure in the state had already been toppled by them.
Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
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