Who said It is God’s Own Country? Kerala Is Now Dogs’ Own Country.
Every house where dogs bark continuously is a house where dogs are abused sexually.
Kings were far better, reliable and stable than modern day state cabinet ministers.
Kings were kind, bold and decent.
Won’t they be offended and provoked if they are called dogs?

Result of dog legislation and birth control scam.
Are they paid salaries, allowances, medical benefits and plane fare to as distant continents as Antarctica by dogs or by people?

Pets of the pampered rich, pests for the poor.
Present day world delights to see mighty monarchs, prime ministers and presidents being hunted by people and dragged to trials in hospital beds.

Dogs more obstruct freedom for travel than people.
Are they paid to represent dogs or to represent people?

Feared by executive, judiciary, legislature.
Either a satisfied and contented Dog-Lovers' Community or good tourism revenue- that is the position towards which Kerala moves.

Scene from Calcutta street.
Dog meat mixed with beef, cooked well and served in hotels to make quick money.

Scene from Moscow street.
Dogs jumping before running vehicles, motor cyclists colliding together and school vans jumping into roadside rivers.

Sexually trained and liberated among people.
The Ineffective S.P.C.A Kerala which is the haunt of rich pampered men and women who just want a place to take their cars to.

Waiting to jump before the next vehicle.
Inspecting homes to see whether dogs are licensed is not as delightful and thrilling as bulldozing away poor man’s road side plank shops.

Humans are far below.
Fatal days are only coming but roads are all left to virus platoons.

Highway Patrol alighted from Control Van One.
Dear reader, you certainly may have many dissenting opinions on the views expressed here but before writing them please also read the other two parts of this article to see whether they are already explained.
Read the first part of this article trio: 'Houses Where Husbands Are Dogs And Dogs Are Husbands. P S Remesh Chandran.'
Read the second part of this article trio: 'After Gays and Lesbians, Dog Lovers are the next to claim Recognition as a Community'. P S Remesh Chandran.
Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons.
Who said It is God’s Own Country? Kerala Is Now Dogs’ Own Country.
India feeds two nations, a nation of 100 crores human beings and another nation of 150 crores dogs, resulting in the Indians’ eating too much, as Obama observed, leading to a world food shortage. Dozens of diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and rabies originated from dogs and killed millions in India, Asia and Europe. Their incessant barking is now the inescapable background noise of nations. And these pests cannot be killed. Powerful people who use dogs sexually protect them in all nations.
Every house where dogs bark continuously is a house where dogs are abused sexually.
Every house where dogs bark without stop is a house where dogs are used for sexual purposes. When a particular city, state or nation is mentioned here, it does not mean that it is not the situation in India, Asia, Europe, England, America and Africa. The increased demand for Infra-Red Dog Bark Arresters the world over vouchsafes for the universal truth. Some people, even if it is only a dog that they maintain, will maintain it too as a menace and nuisance to society. It is their kind of avenging society. The first part of this article ‘Where Husbands are Dogs and Dogs are Husbands’ discussed the social aspects of too many dogs being there. The second part ‘After Gays and Lesbians, Dog-Lovers are the Next to Claim Recognition as a Community’ converged on the medical aspects of the dog problem. This third and last part of this trio of articles tries to analyze the economic aspects of the abundance of dogs and describes how a beautiful land that is Kerala in a far distant corner of this world was wrecked by dogs.
Kings were far better, reliable and stable than modern day state cabinet ministers.

When kings ruled Kerala there was someone there to always listen and attend to the problems of people. When there were too many dogs in the streets affecting the day-to-day lives of citizens, they could then go to the royal court and make a complaint. The king would then order his men to arrange for capturing and killing all stray dogs in the streets and make streets safe for his citizens. One simply needn’t think that this kind of redressal of a grievance was cruel or that the kings were barbarians. Most of them were extremely kind, civilized, polished and caring to their citizens. People’s welfare was their foremost consideration. Pests were pests and humans being were anyway human beings. Broad perfectly paved roads with shade-giving trees on either sides and resting places, water wells and inns all along the way which exist even today testify to their kindness and devotion to their people. Even when democratic governments came into existence, this system continued in Kerala and India. It continued till two decades ago. When dogs were in abundance in the streets and became a nuisance and health hazard to people, government officials from local administration came to streets and cleared roads for people as earlier.
Won’t they be offended and provoked if they are called dogs?

Result of dog legislation and birth control scam.
Then all of a sudden some great dog-abuser took it into his or her head that dogs needed more care and attention in India than human beings and tricked similar minded people to pass laws which resulted in removal of unwanted dogs from the street impossible. After passing this anti-human law state governments, central government, parliament and even the Supreme Court became reluctant or incapable to interfere and reverse the law as if no laws in this world has ever been modified, cancelled or withdrawn on rethinking. The number of dogs in the streets increased within a short time and now no one can walk through any of the streets in India. Newspapers abound in reports of people being attacked by groups of dogs in the streets. Every person of authority in the country perfectly well knows that passing this law was a mistake and foul which ought to have been rectified with immediate effect. The Indian administration knows that diseases originating from dogs are sweeping the country and passing to other continents, that thousands are dying of such diseases, thousands are daily admitted to hospitals following severe dog-bites, no children can walk to schools, tourism revenue is dwindling, food shortage is being accused of by the Europeans and that not an inch of India is free of incessant dog barking. The world health authorities admit that there is no proper treatment for many of these viral infections and that the only measure that can logically be taken is to dry the source of their origin. Enrichment of resistive elements and nutrients in the body is the only medical action that can be taken. But Indian doctors are financially indebted enough to pretend to treat these patients with paracetamol and antibiotics, further worsening the situation to liver and intestinal complications so that their godfathers on the manufacturing side may profit. In which other way can employment be generated for the increasing number of medical students and nursing students passing out of universities each year? Even then, not a single parliamentarian of India has ever took a stand and asked that this anti-people law should be withdrawn. They talk about almost everything under the Sun, from White House’s recent decorations to the withering of Arab-Jewish relations, whether it concerns them or not, unnecessarily spending further more people’s money sitting in parliaments, but not a word is uttered about the menace from dogs to people. They placed dogs above people and gods by passing this law but if somebody calls them dogs, they will sue. Or will they not be offended and provoked at being called the name of a god?

Pets of the pampered rich, pests for the poor.
Ninety percent of Indians walk the streets, have no compound wall to their houses and most of them do not even have a house. They live in the open, in the streets, under bridges and in closed up shop-fronts. It is they who suffer from dog attacks. People who pass laws will normally have a house of their own, probably air-conditioned, with a compound wall surrounding the house at the expense of the people. They will never be walking the streets but travelling in state owned or private cars. Lying inside their air-conditioned mansions they will not have to experience the disturbance of dogs barking everywhere, disturbing people’s sleep. Due to the compound wall no dog will enter their premises and cause trouble. Since they travel in cars, they would not be bitten in the streets by dogs. Travelling in these cars and assembling in law-making bodies they make laws forbidding the removal and killing of street dogs. Were they elected to power by dogs or by people? Are they paid salaries, allowances, medical benefits and plane fare to as distant continents as Antarctica by dogs or by people? It is not dogs that are financing them; people are financing them. After enjoying everything that people’s money provides, they without any remorse or hesitation, make laws for the welfare of dogs, leaving people uncared for and at the mercy of those dogs. When people loose trust in them and decide not to vote in elections, they pass other laws making voting compulsory. So when people decide to vote but make the votes invalid, they pass even more laws making voting electronic. Who are they challenging? This game has to end.

Dogs more obstruct freedom for travel than people.
History of the world shows that it is common people in the streets who win ultimately. That is why people like to read about elected presidents and cabinet ministers dethroned and being hunted, chased and dragged by mobs through the streets the world over, a common spectacle of the first decades of the Twenty first century even if, they know, the likely presence of terrorist organizations behind these mass movements may ultimately lead to instability in society and in administration. Let the present rotten lot go, we can build again; that is what the world thinks now. Mightier monarchs, prime ministers and presidents are being dragged through streets in hospital beds for trials in several parts of the world- Greece, Egypt, Syria and Libya and in a dozen other countries. Will anyone believe that a politician in India who was also a doctor, after passing this law ordered closing of the Government Anti-Rabies Vaccine Manufacturing Laboratories to bring about the high-rocketing of vaccine prices? Such broad and powerful is the influence and hold of vaccine manufacturers in India. They purchase lobbyists and decision- makers, make them pass laws to fill the streets with dogs, and when viruses saturate the country order closing of government-owned vaccine laboratories and raise vaccine prices ten and twenty-five times at a time when deadly viruses are spreading and killing people in tens of thousands. Or were it they who released the viruses, guised behind the façade of some derailed research? Those who are skeptical about such possibilities go purchase and read novels of the world’s best-selling author Dr. Robert Ludlum such Coma, Fever, Shock, Vital Signs and Terminal. Anything can happen where money is involved.

Feared by executive, judiciary, legislature.
A People’s representative in Trivandrum told press that he spent 23000 rupees to treat a stray Pomeranian dog that his wife brought home from the street. Undoubtedly a rich people’s representative to spend this much money for a dog in a single day! He also complained to the press that people’s representatives in Kerala cannot spend a single minute peacefully in the Legislative Assembly Hostel in Trivandrum due to incessant dog-barking from inside and outside the compound! Several other M.L.As joined in this complaint. Who are they making this complaint to? Why don’t they consider it a people’s problem and move assembly and government? They were just gossiping to the press for the pleasure of it eating up people’s money, not relaying to the third estate the problems of the fourth estate. After making laws that made people’s lives hell, they were simply joking about the ill-effects of those laws as if they were members of some private club.
Either a satisfied and contented Dog-Lovers' Community or good tourism revenue- that is the position towards which Kerala moves.

Scene from Calcutta street.
When British Tourist Sandra Margaret was severely bitten by a pack of rowdy dogs in the famous Kovalam beach in Trivandrum, it brought international public attention to Kerala’s dog problem. Kerala is a beautiful state with great tourism potential. The Kerala Tourism Development Corporation boastfully advertises Kerala as ‘God’s Own Country’ but now in reality it has become the Dogs’ Own Country; dogs everywhere and god nowhere. If Kerala is God’s Own Country, who do they think this God is? Street walking women, children and old men are continuously being attacked by dogs in Kerala. Many of these dogs are sexually trained in houses but let loose when they become uncontrollable. Many of them are the road wheeler-types who can even jump high walls. Tour operators in Kerala fear that they will be have to pay compensation to victims at European rates. After reading about this horrible news in online papers and on the Internet, major European tour operators have begun to divert their tourists and travellers to other beautiful places such as Kashmir, Goa and Sri Lanka. Why take the risk of the responsibility for clients being raped by dogs in the streets while they are in God’s own country? There are thousands of poor child vendors engaged in the Kerala tourism sector whose livelihood is being destroyed in these serial dog attacks. KTDC Chairman publicly admitted before press that Kerala tourism is on the brink of ruin due to tourist-attacking dogs which was reported by the Malayala Manorama newspaper on 20-1-2011 in page 21. Newspapers everyday abounds in stories of innocent street-walking women and children being attacked by dogs. Two major political parties, their powerful youth organizations, a host of politicians, assembly parliament and panchayat members, state bureaucrats- all sit and watch as if nothing could be done. Whom should they fear? When a complaint is made, every government official and politician in India says he is helpless, and advises to go to Delhi and make the complaint direct to some kind of person who was, as all know, was alleged to have been associated with the demolitions and manslaughter in Turkman Gate in Delhi during national emergency. Either a satisfied and contented Dog-Lovers' Community or good tourism revenue- that is the position towards which Kerala moves.
Dog meat mixed with beef, cooked well and served in hotels to make quick money.

Scene from Moscow street.
Adulteration of food articles is a very common practice among Kerala merchants. From a simple match box to a D V D player, you cannot purchase an original. The state organization for merchants never interferes. In fact the very organization is constituted of major adulterators who never have condemned adulteration. Except a few good merchants of long standing tradition and trust, all who sell food in Kerala turn to quick money. Many of them consider freely-roaming dogs as easy meat. There are rumors that hundreds of cut dog heads were discovered in some parts of Kerala recently and that the rest of the bodies never were discovered. The rest of the body would have been mixed with beef, cooked well and served in hotels. As the number of dogs in the streets increase, more street dogs find their way to cooking pots in hotels. If almost all the politicians, administrators and bureaucrats in the country can make money wherever and whenever they can, why can’t the merchants butcher a few dogs to mix with beef? Considering the notorious adulteration techniques prevalent in Kerala anything is possible. Certainly one needn’t abhor dog meat as it is already savoured in many parts of Asia, particularly in China, Korea and Taiwan in the form of delicious dog soup, dog curry and whole dog fry.

Sexually trained and liberated among people.
Dogs’ jumping before running motor vehicles and causing major accidents to travellers is a common incident in Kerala. Thousands of motor cyclists and car drivers are thus put to death or seriously injured each year. Recently in Karikkakom in Trivandrum city, in September 2011, a school van jumped into the river to avoid hitting a dog, resulting in the untimely loss of half a dozen innocent beloved nursery kids. It was a crime purely due to state’s non-involvement in removing stray dogs from the streets. It was subsequently alleged that the van was driven not by the driver but by the cleaner and the dog was carefully removed from the picture. Even if it was the cleaner who was driving the van, he had driven hundreds of kilometres safely until a dog jumped into his front. This was only one of a dozen of such exactly similar incidents in a single year. The right to travel and the freedom for travel is of paramount importance in a democracy. It was to protect this supreme right that roadside meetings were banned in Kerala. Dogs more obstruct freedom for travel in Kerala than human beings assembled on the roadside for a public meeting but no judicial court, legislative assembly or political or bureaucratic leadership showed as much eagerness in removing dogs from the streets as removing people from the roads. Everyone fears that if they move for enactment of laws for compulsory removal of street dogs it would offend some great bitch somewhere high! That is why it is alleged that more important things are involved in dog legislations, including lobbying by sexual abusers of dogs and by privately owned anti rabies vaccine manufacturing companies.

Waiting to jump before the next vehicle.
The SPCA Kerala is a very ineffective organization receiving considerable funds from official sources, running a few veterinary hospitals here and there and not investigating the wide dog abuse in the state. It is a haunt of a few rich pampered women and men who do just want a place to take their cars and go to while their husbands or wives are away. This organization does not inspect homes to find out whether dogs are licensed and health-certified and whether dogs are beings abused. They simply are not willing to inspect homes for fear of what they would find. Practically no house dogs in the state have licenses and health certificates. Leaving the dogs in rich homes unlicensed and uncertified, the City Council’s health inspectors are busily engaged in demolishing roadside shops and removing street vendors, taking away lives and dreams. To these undereducated psychopaths who entered service through windows, bulldozing poor peoples’ lives and dreams away is more satisfying and delightful to watch than watching dogs being abused by fat memsahibs in rich homes. This is the picture from the entire state of Kerala. The famous City Council of Trivandrum ruthlessly removes poor street vendors and bulldozes their simple plank shops which sell good cheap hot food made under your eyes but never, except for a free dine, enter costly opulent hotels where they sell days-old junk food. Of the hundred thousands of house dogs in Trivandrum city, below half a dozen only have a license, it is believed. During the past decade, no single house inspections have been conducted by them. Moreover if they inspect homes and find out dog abuse in homes of top level bureaucrats and businessmen in the city, how will they know how the culprits would react?

Humans are far below.
The city council of Trivandrum has a fleet of health inspectors whose job is it to inspect homes, hotels and streets to see that dogs are certified and licensed, good food is served and rubbish is removed which they never do protected under the immunity of trade unionism. The city which was once noted for cleanliness now stinks with accumulated and unremoved rubbish and garbage. The political vegetables who officiate as council members know these things clearly but they too have dogs in their houses. Inspecting homes checking for dog licenses is not as safe and exhilarating as bulldozing away defenseless poor people’s plank shops and listening to their cries and sobs. This is the same picture with Cochin and Calicut city councils. It is the scene everywhere in India.
Fatal days are only coming but roads are all left to virus platoons.

Highway Patrol alighted from Control Van One.
It would be fatal for Kerala to have a Rabies Outbreak now, with this many dogs loose on the streets. It will please only the vaccine makers and their dependent decision makers. Congo fever has crossed borders to India. Rat fever and swine flu have already took their toll and do not seem to have been harnessed which never can be. Trained health inspectors and para medical staff who can do effective handling of situations and whose presences are very much needed in the open are sitting sequestered safely in cool office premises. Statistics in the state shows that institutions where no health inspectors are needed have been assigned five and more and there are thousands of such institutions. Protecting the innocent street walkers and house dwellers from severe dog attacks and dog-borne diseases was once thought to be the responsibility of people’s representatives in parliaments, legislative assemblies and local bodies but in these gatherings there never were any particular discussion about people being bitten by dogs in public roads or about deadly Zoonosis diseases spreading as waves one after another eating up population. Now people know better and have learned to see the ropes playing the puppets.
Dear reader, you certainly may have many dissenting opinions on the views expressed here but before writing them please also read the other two parts of this article to see whether they are already explained.
Read the first part of this article trio: 'Houses Where Husbands Are Dogs And Dogs Are Husbands. P S Remesh Chandran.'
Read the second part of this article trio: 'After Gays and Lesbians, Dog Lovers are the next to claim Recognition as a Community'. P S Remesh Chandran.
Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons.
Photo Credits:
1] Pets of the pampered.....................................Iwolbern.
2] Dogs more obstruct freedom....................Partizanoff.
3] Feared by executive..........................Andrey, Moscow.
4] Scene form Calcutta.......................Biswarup Ganguly.
5] Scene from Moscow....................Sergey Tchernyakov.
6] Liberated among people................Biswarup Ganguly.
7] Waiting to jump.................................Andrey, Moscow.
8] Human are far below......................Fred Hsu, Taiwan.
9] Highway Patrol alighted...........Waltersen, Bucharest.
2] Dogs more obstruct freedom....................Partizanoff.
3] Feared by executive..........................Andrey, Moscow.
4] Scene form Calcutta.......................Biswarup Ganguly.
5] Scene from Moscow....................Sergey Tchernyakov.
6] Liberated among people................Biswarup Ganguly.
7] Waiting to jump.................................Andrey, Moscow.
8] Human are far below......................Fred Hsu, Taiwan.
9] Highway Patrol alighted...........Waltersen, Bucharest.
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