Houses Where Husbands Are Dogs And Dogs Are Husbands.
If you are the person from whose house dogs bark continuously, read this. It will tell you what your neighbours already know about you.
Rats destroyed England and Rome once through Plague. Now it is the turn of dogs that destroy the world through Zoonosis Diseases.

They do not like themselves, then why like others
It is not because there are dogs that our daughters are not taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues but because there are other houses nearby.

Had the blind Homer had no guide. An 1874 painting
Continuous dog barking is the reason why an innocent babe after 18 years stands there as the unruly youth.
Lying in wait to attack the next schoolgoing child
Man likes to be the owner of something and demands complete obedience. So he grows dogs.
If one does not sit where one should, ......
Cats retain the cat in them but dogs lost the dog in them. Their loyalty to man is entirely due to free boarding and lodging.

A typical scene from an Indian street now.
Dogs know they have burned their bridges. They cannot go back to the animal community after betraying them for a piece of cooked meat.
What would happen if elephants, horses, camels, donkeys and buffaloes barked howled and trumpeted continuously like dogs?

Vacation in privacy or national example.
Dear Reader, You may have dissenting opinions on the views expressed here by the author, but please read the other two parts of this trio of articles to see whether they have already been explained:
'After Gays and Lesbians, Dog Lovers are the Next to Claim Recognition as a Community'
'Who Said It Is God's Own Country? Kerala Is Now Dogs' Own Country'
Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
Houses Where Husbands Are Dogs And Dogs Are Husbands.
A dog’s barking is one of the ugliest sounds in this world, but there are people who enjoy it as sweet music-the psychiatrically deranged in our society. At the expense and peril of mankind, they make laws placing dogs above man and god so that they can continue uninterrupted with their carnal pleasures with their dogs. Diseases originating from dogs are sweeping this globe and claiming human lives in thousands. This article is the first of a trio, unravelling the real story behind dog-loving.
If you are the person from whose house dogs bark continuously, read this. It will tell you what your neighbours already know about you.
There are a few houses in our society wherefrom dogs bark continuously. They perfectly well know it is an anger-rousing nuisance to all their neighbours but still they cannot and won't do anything to stop their dogs. Regarding such houses at least one or all of the following is true: ‘There is at least one psychiatrically disturbed person there. There are irreparably damaged marital relations there. They use dogs for sexual pleasure. They hate society for some shameful act of theirs in the past, which was caught and punished by society’. If you are a person suffering incessant dog-bark from nearby houses, read this article because it will tell you about some of the problems there. And if yours is the house from which dogs bark continuously, then again read this article for you can know what your neighbours already know about you.
Rats destroyed England and Rome once through Plague. Now it is the turn of dogs that destroy the world through Zoonosis Diseases.

They do not like themselves, then why like others
Most people do not like social criticism, especially if it is their relationship with their dogs that is being questioned. But the job of a social critic is to analyze and question things whether people like it or not, and face the consequences. Therefore this article is going to be the most unpopular in the history of printed words and literature, perhaps going to be burnt wherever it is put in print. But the diseases spread from dogs to women, from women to children, from children to all in their school and from schools to the entire human society has reached a stage of being a threat to the world. Therefore the threats from dogs to human society is attempted to be analyzed here, whether it is pleasant to read or not; it is a necessity. The various horrible diseases caused from bedding with dogs and how dogs serve as the animal host to various Zoonosis viruses responsible for Dengue Congo Q fevers and the like would be discussed in the following second and third parts of this articles. When cycles of these fevers recently shook and stormed through various regions of the world, everybody talked about killing mosquitoes which was easy. None talked about dogs in whose body these viruses resided and multiplied, because it was unsafe. Governments, Health Departments, Doctors and Scientists took after the carrier and burned millions instead of telling the world who the breeding host of these zoonosis viruses was. It was rats that destroyed England and Rome centuries ago by way of plague and devoured millions of humans and animals. Now it is the turn of dogs. Children below the age of maturity and people who value their dogs more than the future of their children are advised not to read this article. If you find any truths mentioned here offensive, just know that they are offensive to you alone, in your special domestic circumstances. The writer of these articles speaks for those whose lives were lost and health was ruined due to these waves of diseases.
It is not because there are dogs that our daughters are not taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues but because there are other houses nearby.

Had the blind Homer had no guide. An 1874 painting
A peaceful and quiet life is everyone's right. Like loudspeakers and automobile horns, dogs’ incessant barking from a house also is a public nuisance. Our dog barking from our house may be sweet music to our ears, but to our neighbours it is utter public nuisance. We all depend on good inter-relations in our society to make our life possible and peaceful. That dogs afford us security is a wrong conviction. It is because there are other houses nearby and around our houses that our houses are not being broken into and our daughters and valuables are not being taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues, as were happening in the barbarian times. It is not due to the presence of this puny little beast in our premises that our houses are not being robbed regularly. A dog can effectively be prevented from interfering in a robbery by just throwing to it a piece of sticky halva candy, as the famous Indian traveller-writer S.K.Pottekkattu noted in one of his novels. We shamelessly enjoy the unique security offered to us by society but when the question of the importance of our dog comes, we value the wayward freedom of our dog more important than the peace and tranquillity of our society. We at least have to repay, as a token of gratitude, the overall protection and security afforded us by society by not making our fellow human beings torment and suffer because of the restlessness of our puny animal.
Continuous dog barking is the reason why an innocent babe after 18 years stands there as the unruly youth.
Lying in wait to attack the next schoolgoing child
Dogs’ barking from houses is a disturbance and nuisance to new born babies, students learning their lessons, people trying to write, sing and draw things and to old sick people who try to rest and recuperate after going through the agonies of diseases. To pursue this problem unemotionally, it has to be agreed primarily that a dog's bark is one of the ugliest sounds in this world. Certainly no one will compare it to the sweet bird songs emanating from bushes and tree foliages around our homes. When a newborn baby is sleeping, we have seen in our houses, everybody whispering in hushed up tones instead of speaking loud, lest the baby would be disturbed and woken up. Such is the tenderness and affection human society extends to its children. But what can we do when an insolent dog from our immediate neighbourhood chooses that particular time to bark and wail without stop and they in the house won't do a thing? The new born babe for the first time feels insecurity in our hands, looses confidence and trust in family and human society, and grows up so for eighteen years against the unavoidable and inescapable background noise of dogs barking everywhere. Thus, after years we see the unruly youth standing there, irreverent, disobedient and angry to everyone! Whom to blame? We ask psychologists and psychiatrists for the reasons and they endlessly lecture on everything except the effect of incessant dog barking on infant minds, in their undecipherable jargon. Once we had something called silent nights which produced poets, playwrights, authors, artists and a disciplined generation. That time is now past, due to the insatiable lust of a few in our society for the pleasures from dogs. Society or disease or death, they will find excellent explanations and make unbendable laws for their dogs.
Man likes to be the owner of something and demands complete obedience. So he grows dogs.
If one does not sit where one should, ......
Dogs were attracted to man far earlier in the dawn of civilization. They were persuaded by the easiness to get meat, especially by the tastiness of cooked meat and other eatables, to join human society. Man always liked to be the owner of something and always craved to be obeyed without question. If he asks his children to come here, they will go the other way. If he asks his dog to come here, it will not only come here but wag its tail also. Therefore man adored dogs. Dog wanted a safe place to rest and a domain to roam free. So this ancient relationship of man and beast continued through ages and developed into something remotely resembling loyalty-like something. In cave paintings, tomb paintings, sepulchral vaults, frescos, poems, novels and celluloid rolls, man immortalized and celebrated this relationship. Oliver Goldsmith wrote ‘Ode on the Death of a Mad Dog.’ Wordsworth wrote ‘Fidelity.’ Jack London told the tale of ‘The White Fang’ and ‘The Call of the Wild’. Wilson Rawls wrote ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’. We also have seen a dog’s inseparable attachment to Bill Sikes in Charles Dickens’ novel. In all these masterpieces, it was the loyalty and dedication and usefulness of dogs to human society and to man in particular that was being praised. It is thought, man finds a good friend in dog and dog finds a good master in man. So it has been considered through generations and centuries that the dog-man association is something inevitable to human society, something to be cherished, and something safe.
Cats retain the cat in them but dogs lost the dog in them. Their loyalty to man is entirely due to free boarding and lodging.

A typical scene from an Indian street now.
Slavishness is another word for doggishness and is considered one of the dull and negative virtues by mankind. Of all the animals associated with man, dogs are the most deprived of regality and personality. If we feed a cat, it will think ‘I might be a God; otherwise this man would not have fed me.’ If we feed a dog, it will think ‘This man might be a God; otherwise he would not have fed me’. Dogs endlessly try to please man. But a cat, when it thinks it has had enough of caressing and kissing, jumps out of our hands and escapes. Cats still retain the cat in them whereas dogs have lost the dogs in them. Therefore, theoretically speaking, it is never possible for a logical relationship to develop between a man and a dog out of self respect and out of mutual respect. The loyalty which appears to be there on the surface is entirely due to free boarding and lodging available to dogs. If some one has a doubt, feed not his dog for a few days and see what happens.
Dogs know they have burned their bridges. They cannot go back to the animal community after betraying them for a piece of cooked meat.
Though man considers dog as a friend, the status of dogs in the animal community is that of a traitor. Suppose the Martians have actually landed and we are fleeing for our life. We are escaping into a dark forest to save our life but another man who smells us barks and signals our presence to the Martians. What would we call him, a traitor or a human being? That is how all the animals in this world have been viewing dogs for ages. That is exactly what the dogs had been doing to other animals in the animal world. They accompanied man in his hunting expeditions, smelled out animals hiding in safety and betrayed them to man by continuously barking to show him their presence. What would a creature that betrayed the whole animal community for a piece of safe meat, and passes its days by posing as a friend to man be called other than a traitor? The dogs have burned their bridges and they know this. They have no further chance of going back to the animal community, but remain with man for boarding and lodging till the end of their days.
What would happen if elephants, horses, camels, donkeys and buffaloes barked howled and trumpeted continuously like dogs?

Vacation in privacy or national example.
Man has domesticated so many animals during the past ages. They almost all are silent plant eaters, and useful to man in a wide variety of ways in their high productivity in agriculture and dairy. Elephants, horses, camels, donkeys, buffaloes, bullocks, cows, sheep, and goat: they all are obedient silent and dignified vegetarians who almost always find their food themselves from nature. They are no burden to man and are of immense help to human society. In fact, without them, the human society would not have advanced this much. Dogs are the only unclean meat eaters associated with human society. All in the platoon of domesticated animals make no unnecessary noise except dog. It is the unrest and madness caused in this betrayer of animal community by meat-eating that makes it go mad and bark necessarily and unnecessarily. They do not like other human beings, other animals, birds, reptiles and even other dogs. In fact they do not like themselves. Suppose the animals from the elephant to the horses, cows and goats barked, howled and trumpeted as much as they liked. Where would have been the human society now? Dogs are perpetually mad; only that, when it becomes uncontrollable and apparent, we call it rabies. And they are the only animals that cause and spread this horrible disease among mankind. Even if the other animals cause it, they get it primarily from the dogs.
Dear Reader, You may have dissenting opinions on the views expressed here by the author, but please read the other two parts of this trio of articles to see whether they have already been explained:
'After Gays and Lesbians, Dog Lovers are the Next to Claim Recognition as a Community'
'Who Said It Is God's Own Country? Kerala Is Now Dogs' Own Country'
Pictures Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
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